Red-tailed Monkey
Class: Mammals
Order: Primates
Family: Cercopithecidae
Weight: adult males can weigh between 4–7 kg, while females range from 3–5 kg
Height: up to 60 cm
Body length: 40–60 cm
Coloration: red-tailed monkeys have gray or greenish-gray fur with a reddish tail. Their face and limbs are often darker, and some individuals have lighter markings around the eyes and nose.
Age of sexual maturity: 3–4 years
Gestation period: about 5,5 months
Lifespan: around 20–25 years
Range: Central and West Africa, including Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Diet: fruits, leaves, flowers, insects, and small vertebrates
Did you know?
- Red-tailed monkeys live in groups of up to 20 individuals, led by a dominant male.
- They communicate through a variety of vocalizations, facial expressions, and gestures.
- These monkeys often move on all fours but can also leap between trees.
- Red-tailed monkeys actively interact with other monkey species, frequently forming mixed groups for foraging and protection from predators.